Testing code like (+ 1 1)
is trivial. What you often need is to be able to test
the code that queries and inserts data into your database. This is not quite as trivial.
and org.mybatis/mybatis-migrations
to your :dev
aliasTestcontainers is a set of libraries which roll up all the logic needed to run things like Postgres in your tests.
We are adding MyBatis migrations here as a library so that we can get the same result as using the migrate
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
;; HTTP server
ring/ring {:mvn/version "1.13.0"}
;; Routing
metosin/reitit-ring {:mvn/version "0.7.2"}
;; Logging Facade
org.clojure/tools.logging {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
;; Logging Implementation
org.slf4j/slf4j-simple {:mvn/version "2.0.16"}
;; HTML Generation
hiccup/hiccup {:mvn/version "2.0.0-RC3"}
;; Database Queries
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.955"}
;; Postgres Driver
org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.7.4"}
;; Database Connection Pooling
com.zaxxer/HikariCP {:mvn/version "6.0.0"}
;; Unify Environment Variables + .env Handing
io.github.cdimascio/dotenv-java {:mvn/version "3.0.2"}
;; HTTP Middleware
ring/ring-defaults {:mvn/version "0.5.0"}
;; Background Jobs
msolli/proletarian {:mvn/version "1.0.86-alpha"}
;; JSON Reading and Writing
cheshire/cheshire {:mvn/version "5.13.0"}
;; Dynamic SQL Generation
com.github.seancorfield/honeysql {:mvn/version "2.6.1203"}}
:aliases {:dev {:extra-paths ["dev" "test"]
:extra-deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
;; Test Runner
lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.91.1392"}
;; Run Postgres in Tests
org.testcontainers/postgresql {:mvn/version "1.20.3"}
;; Run Migrations on the Test Database
org.mybatis/mybatis-migrations {:mvn/version "3.4.0"}}}
:format {:deps {dev.weavejester/cljfmt {:mvn/version "0.13.0"}}}
:lint {:deps {clj-kondo/clj-kondo {:mvn/version "2024.09.27"}}}}}
and put the following in it.The reason we are calling it test-system
instead of test-db
is because
later on we will put helpers to start test versions of other parts of the system
we usually pass around.
The reason we don't call it test-utils
or something generic like that is because
the natural tendency will be to use that as a dumping ground for all sorts of potpourri.
This code will start up a docker container running postgres in the background.
(ns example.test-system
(:import (org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn start-pg-test-container
(let [container (PostgreSQLContainer.
(-> (DockerImageName/parse "postgres")
(.withTag "17")))]
(.start container)
(.waitingFor container (Wait/forListeningPort))
You need to inspect PostgreSQLContainer
object to get the info needed to make a DataSource
(ns example.test-system
(:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc])
(:import (org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn start-pg-test-container
(let [container (PostgreSQLContainer.
(-> (DockerImageName/parse "postgres")
(.withTag "17")))]
(.start container)
(.waitingFor container (Wait/forListeningPort))
(defn get-test-db
(let [container (start-pg-test-container)]
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:jdbcUrl (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getHost container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getMappedPort container PostgreSQLContainer/POSTGRESQL_PORT)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getDatabaseName container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getUsername container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getPassword container))})))
Let's break down this code a little:
." This is the thing that will run all our SQL
against the test database. No I don't know why the method is called .operate
and not .run
, .call
, .execute
, or something else sensible.
." Nothing magic
just forwards the database connection along.
environment. We do this so that
any settings which are important there are carried over.
with sendFullScript
set to true
. Without this the migration framework will see every ;
a new statement. This setting is in development.properties
but for whatever reason
isn't forwarded properly without setting it explicitly.
argument is a place for us to customize how it prints to the console.(ns example.test-system
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
(:import (java.util Properties)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration DataSourceConnectionProvider FileMigrationLoader)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.operations UpOperation)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.options DatabaseOperationOption)
(org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn start-pg-test-container
(let [container (PostgreSQLContainer.
(-> (DockerImageName/parse "postgres")
(.withTag "17")))]
(.start container)
(.waitingFor container (Wait/forListeningPort))
(defn get-test-db
(let [container (start-pg-test-container)]
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:jdbcUrl (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getHost container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getMappedPort container PostgreSQLContainer/POSTGRESQL_PORT)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getDatabaseName container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getUsername container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getPassword container))})))
(defn run-migrations
(let [scripts-dir (io/file "migrations/scripts")
env-properties (io/file "migrations/environments/development.properties")]
(with-open [env-properties-stream (io/input-stream env-properties)]
(.operate (UpOperation.)
(DataSourceConnectionProvider. db)
(doto (Properties.)
(.load env-properties-stream)))
(doto (DatabaseOperationOption.)
(.setSendFullScript true))
This should get a test datasource, run migrations on it, then forward that to a callback function.
(ns example.test-system
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
(:import (java.util Properties)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration DataSourceConnectionProvider FileMigrationLoader)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.operations UpOperation)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.options DatabaseOperationOption)
(org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn start-pg-test-container
(defn get-test-db
(defn run-migrations
(defn with-test-db
(let [db (get-test-db)]
(run-migrations db)
(callback db)))
Counting is a kind of math, so let's add a test which verifies that COUNT(*)
functions correctly when we insert rows into prehistoric.hominid
(ns example.math-test
(:require [clojure.test :as t]
[example.test-system :as test-system]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]))
(t/deftest one-plus-one
(t/is (= (+ 1 1) 2) "One plus one equals 2!"))
(t/deftest counting-works
(fn [db]
(jdbc/execute! db ["INSERT INTO prehistoric.hominid(name) VALUES (?)" "Grunto"])
(jdbc/execute! db ["INSERT INTO prehistoric.hominid(name) VALUES (?)" "Blingus"])
(t/is (= (:count (jdbc/execute-one! db ["SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM prehistoric.hominid"]))
Starting a docker image for every test is pretty wasteful. The only benefit is getting a totally clean slate, but we can achieve that in a different way.
Instead of calling start-pg-test-container
in get-test-db
, we will call that
function in a delay
. A delay
will only run the code inside of it once its
dereferenced and cache the result for any subsequent calls. To be extra sure it will only run once,
we'll pair it
with defonce
As part of this we will tell the JVM to close the container when it exits. If we didn't do this we would end up with dangling docker containers. A shutdown hook isn't perfect - there are ways you can close the JVM without it getting a chance to run - but its good enough for local development.
(ns example.test-system
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
(:import (java.util Properties)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration DataSourceConnectionProvider FileMigrationLoader)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.operations UpOperation)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.options DatabaseOperationOption)
(org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn start-pg-test-container
(let [container (PostgreSQLContainer.
(-> (DockerImageName/parse "postgres")
(.withTag "17")))]
(.start container)
(.waitingFor container (Wait/forListeningPort))
(defonce pg-test-container-delay
(let [container (start-pg-test-container)]
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
(Thread. #(PostgreSQLContainer/.close container)))
(defn get-test-db
(let [container @pg-test-container-delay]
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:jdbcUrl (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getHost container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getMappedPort container PostgreSQLContainer/POSTGRESQL_PORT)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getDatabaseName container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getUsername container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getPassword container))})))
If you were to run the counting-works
test multiple times in the REPL, it would start to
after the first time. This is because we aren't starting a fresh container each time anymore and data
previous test runs will still be around.
To deal with this we will make use of the CREATE DATABASE ... TEMPLATE ...
feature of
For each test, we come up with a new database name. Having an atom
we just count up with is an easy way to do that. We also make sure that migrations are only
run on the "template database" once using a delay
(ns example.test-system
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
(:import (java.util Properties)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration DataSourceConnectionProvider FileMigrationLoader)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.operations UpOperation)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.options DatabaseOperationOption)
(org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn start-pg-test-container
(defonce pg-test-container-delay
(defn get-test-db
(defn run-migrations
(defonce migrations-delay
(delay (run-migrations (get-test-db))))
(def test-counter (atom 0))
(defn with-test-db
(let [test-database-name (str "test_" (swap! test-counter inc))
container @pg-test-container-delay
db (get-test-db)]
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getDatabaseName container))])
(let [db (jdbc/get-datasource
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:jdbcUrl (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getHost container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getMappedPort container
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getUsername container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getPassword container))})]
(callback db))
(jdbc/execute! db
[(format "DROP DATABASE %s;" test-database-name)])))))
as ^:private
in Clojure isn't as strong as private
in Java,
but it will suffice. The goal is just to make it clear to code using the
namespace that with-test-db
is the only thing that is part of its public API.
This feels extra, but test code is still code. Everything but with-test-db
is machinery you might want to revisit later.
(ns example.test-system
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
(:import (java.util Properties)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration DataSourceConnectionProvider FileMigrationLoader)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.operations UpOperation)
(org.apache.ibatis.migration.options DatabaseOperationOption)
(org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer)
(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy Wait)
(org.testcontainers.utility DockerImageName)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn ^:private start-pg-test-container
(let [container (PostgreSQLContainer.
(-> (DockerImageName/parse "postgres")
(.withTag "17")))]
(.start container)
(.waitingFor container (Wait/forListeningPort))
(defonce ^:private pg-test-container-delay
(let [container (start-pg-test-container)]
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
(Thread. #(PostgreSQLContainer/.close container)))
(defn ^:private get-test-db
(let [container @pg-test-container-delay]
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:jdbcUrl (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getHost container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getMappedPort container PostgreSQLContainer/POSTGRESQL_PORT)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getDatabaseName container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getUsername container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getPassword container))})))
(defn ^:private run-migrations
(let [scripts-dir (io/file "migrations/scripts")
env-properties (io/file "migrations/environments/development.properties")]
(with-open [env-properties-stream (io/input-stream env-properties)]
(.operate (UpOperation.)
(DataSourceConnectionProvider. db)
(doto (Properties.)
(.load env-properties-stream)))
(doto (DatabaseOperationOption.)
(.setSendFullScript true))
(defonce ^:private migrations-delay
(delay (run-migrations (get-test-db))))
(def ^:private test-counter (atom 0))
(defn with-test-db
(let [test-database-name (str "test_" (swap! test-counter inc))
container @pg-test-container-delay
db (get-test-db)]
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getDatabaseName container))])
(let [db (jdbc/get-datasource
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:jdbcUrl (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getHost container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getMappedPort container
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getUsername container)
(PostgreSQLContainer/.getPassword container))})]
(callback db))
(jdbc/execute! db
[(format "DROP DATABASE %s;" test-database-name)])))))
Do so first with just test
, but after try loading the example.math-test
namespace into a REPL and running (t/run-tests)